Chaotic Blue Hole

광고글 출처 : No Human 님의 티스토리 (링크)

George W. Bush saves

the United States of America

and the human race

  George W. Bush refused to sign the policy to reduce the green house gas from Kyoto accord. As a result the United States of America is accused by the majority of the world of abandoning the mankind from the negative effects from the greenhouse gas, fueling the fears of the consequences of global warming. However, if there is indisputable evidence supporting that the cause of global warming is not greenhouse gas, the effort to control the greenhouse gas will prove to have been meaningless.

  The parties responsible for the disaster to come approximately in 10 years are the United Nations, Al Gore and others who are saying that global warming is merely due to greenhouse gas. They will be held responsible for leading the human race to destruction by not having focused on clarifying other important causes other than the greenhouse gas. It is as if misdiagnosing a cancer patient as having stomachache and ultimate leading to patient’s death

  1. Prediction preceding NASA

  NASA announced in early of this year, the Arctic glacier could melt away by 2012. However, the writer had already published research report in form of advertisement on Joong-Ang Ilbo (newspaper in Korea) in October 9th, 1992, which states that a global disaster would begin in 2012 due to the melting of the Arctic glacier.

  1. Carbon Dioxide is not Related to Global Warming

  Throughout the earth’s history, there were repetitions of interglacial periods and glacial periods. As the interglacial period progressed, the earth’s temperature increased. As a result, carbon dioxide concentration increased naturally. After the interglacial epoch ended, a temporal ice age of less than -100 Celsius began. At this point, carbon dioxide as well as other natural gas accumulated in the atmosphere freezes rapidly into a form of condensation and amasses in the sea as methane hydrate (ice gas under the sea). In other words, the global warming on the earth is not because of greenhouse effects caused by carbon dioxide build up but due to carbon dioxide build up caused by temperature increase. Then carbon dioxide decreases naturally in the beginning of temporal ice age. Therefore, carbon dioxide build up is not the only cause of global warming and it will decrease naturally without human effort.

  1. The Beginning of Ice Age

  If all the ice in the Arctic glacier melts away by 2012, the earth itself will get ready for the activation of freezing system to initiate the ice age to make the glacier in the Arctic again. In prior th the ice age, a temporal quick freezing period that scientists are unaware of will begin. At this time, natural disasters, worse than depicted in Hollywood movies, i.e.Tomorrow, will occur such as severe cold (less than -100 C), hurricane and tsunami (around 150 m). In addition, earthquake, disappearance of 80 percent of magnetic field, influx of radiation will accompany the catastrophe.

  1. The Future Depends on George W. Bush’s Choice

  Refusing to sign the policy to reduce the greenhouse gas was an excellent choice showing and prediction for saving the human race. What we need to do is to abandon the Kyoto accord and conjure up a strategy to prepare for the on coming freezing period.

  You are the only hope the mankind. If you dare to know, come find out about the truth behind the global warming


우리 가족은 아직까지 가운데신문(...)을 보고 있습니다. 생각같아선 경향신문으로 바꾸고 싶은데, 이 동네에 안 들어옵니다. (......)
그래서 아직 구독기간도 남고 해서, 구독기간 끝나면 한겨레로 바꿀 생각을 하며 그 날만을 기다리고 있는데...

오늘 덜커덕 위와 같은 전면광고가 실렸더군요. 대체 뭔가 싶어서 짧은 영어 실력을 동원해가며 대강 읽어보다가...

첫번째 문단만 읽고 다음면으로 넘어갔습니다. (...)

대체 뭡니까, 저 논조는? 부시를 찬양하다 못해 인류의 존망마저 맡기겠다는 건가요? 아니면, 온난화로 인해 빙하가 녹는 것은 당연한 수순이니 이산화탄소 감축을 할 필요가 없다는 뜻인가요? 빙하가 다 녹으면 빙하기가 온다고 자기도 써놓고, 그에 대한 대책이나 염려는 전혀 없이 '오오 부시 만세' 이러고 땡?

게다가 글 내용은 전부 영어에, 자기 신분을 나타낼만한 것은 달랑 e메일 주소 하나가 전부입니다. 대체 어떻게 되어먹은 인간입니까? 지금 자기 가방끈 길다고 자랑하려고 이 광고 낸 겁니까?
부시에게 전하고 싶었으면 백악관으로 e메일을 날리든지 하라구요. 이런 신문에 전면광고 싣는다고 부시가 알기나 할 것 같아요?

...언제쯤 '미국은 무조건 만세'가 사라질런지 모르겠습니다.
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Chaotic Blue Hole
마비노기 하프 서버 : 실피리트 데레스테 : Sylphirit 소녀전선(中) : Sylphirit 소라히메(日) : Sylphirit 퍼즐 앤 드래곤(한) : 569,733,350
by ZeX



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